About Katonah Yoga

Folding / Unfolding

Ich unterrichte Katonah Yoga, eine dynamische Hatha-Yoga-Praxis. Genaue Adjustments, die Arbeit mit Yogahilfsmitteln und Pranayama sind zentral in meinem Unterricht. Meine Klassen sind weiter angereichert mit Musik, Humor und Feingefühl für meine Schüler:innen.

Was ist Katonah Yoga?

Katonah Yoga® wurde von Nevine Michaan in Katonah, New York gegründet. Ein Yogastil, der im traditionellen Hatha Yoga verankert ist und die Yoga-Posen als universelle Archetypen und Muster versteht. Yogahilfsmittel, manuelle Adjustments, Metaphern, Dao und Numerologie eröffnen in der Praxis einen vielschichtigen Dialog, der unseren Geist anregt und die Seele anspricht. So werden die Yogaposen zu einem Spiegel unserer Selbst und zeigen: Wo sind wir stabil, wo instabil, wo verfügbar, wo unzugänglich? Das Ziel ist es, vermeintliche Schwachpunkte wieder zu stärken, und überstrapazierte Körperpartien zu entlasten. Nicht, um perfekte Yogis oder Yoginis zu werden, aber unsere Mitte zu finden, und daraus aus unserem vollen Potenzial zu schöpfen – als Mensch.

Online-Klassen sind ab März wieder buchbar. Privatstunden sind auf Anfrage in Palma de Mallorca oder Zürich möglich.

About / Kurzbio

  • Gründerin und Inhaberin von Studio Yogisi, 2017–2022

  • Yogalehrerin International Yoga Alliance, 500 Std+ E-RYT. bei Yogalives Zürich, Olive Ssembuze, 2012

  • 200+ Std. Katonah Yoga® TT mit Nevine Michaan, Abbie Galvin, Reni Bickel, Aylin Karadayi, David Regelin, Alex Sharry, 2018

  • Ganzheitliche Ayurveda Ernährungs- und GesundheitsberaterIn REEA/HPS: Europäische Akademie für Ayurveda, 2018

  • Ausbildung Adjustments Yogastudium, 2016

  • Studium der Ethnologie- und Filmwissenschaften, Universität Zürich, Lizenziat/MA, 2009

  • Stefanie M.

    The private lesson with Isabelle was perfectly tailored to my needs and wishes. I've been trying to learn the handstand for a long time and wanted to understand the technique better. Isabelle lovingly and patiently answered all my questions during the lesson and showed me numerous practical exercises. Thanks to her positive and upbeat manner, I found the training for two to be extremely pleasant. Her passion for yoga is contagious, so I ended up going home full of joy, renewed energy and more knowledge. I can warmly recommend group and also private lessons with Isabelle.

  • Anina S.

    The lessons with Isabelle are a great challenge and she supports / corrects with her very pleasant manner so that you learn a lot in the lessons. The studio itself has a super nice ambience (lots of natural wood and pleasant light).

  • H. Chun

    Had a pleasure to check out Yogisi. Katonah yoga was a very active flow combined with nice stretches. Isabelle's calming voice helped to concentrate on the asanas and the studio was spacious. Glad to know the hidden gem in an urban jungle.

  • Melanie B.

    The yoga class with Isabelle was super nice, especially because she does great adjusts and pays attention to precise execution and describes. A great class - thank you!!!

  • Fabian S.

    Isabelle is a great yoga teacher, from whom I can always learn something new even after a few years of yoga practice.

  • Olivia S.

    I came out of the studio free in mind and body. Nothing was missing in Isabelle's class, beautiful balance between grounding and invigorating breathing work and beautiful variations of the asanas.

  • Ramona Z.

    I took an online Hatha Yoga class with Isabelle. I liked it very much, the structure of the class as well as the whole attitude that Isabelle always let flow in were great :)

  • Hannes B.

    Clear, good instructions, without too many words, but still warm: I felt comfortable, even with new asanas - exactly what I was looking for. Isabelle also supports and corrects well, so that you can develop further. Looking forward to deepening the new asanas. The headstand (with support) has never been easier for me than today - now I know where to go.

    Om mani padme hum.

“The postures of yoga are like origami formulas. The goal is to use the archetype of the pose.”

Nevine Michaan, founder of Katonah Yoga